M.Sc., IIT Delhi
Ph.D., IIT Delhi
Post Doctoral Fellow: UTHSCSA, San Antonio, TX
Post Doctoral Fellow: UMICH, Ann Arbor
Assistant Professor: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Jun 06 – Mar 11
Associate Professor: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, April 11-Aug. 18
Professor: Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Aug. 18-present
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC), London; Fellow of Royal Society of Biology (FRSB), London
Co-Author of the text Book: Engineering Chemistry by Oxford University Press
Research Interests
Our group is interested in (i) Biophysical studies of protein folding and protein aggregation.(ii) Biophysical studies of receptor interaction with ligands (iii) Methodology development for rigorous analysis of experimental data. A variety of experimental techniques like multinuclear NMR spectroscopy, fluorescence, DSC, ITC, DLS and CD are being used to carry out these studies.
Selected Publications
- Dawn A, Khatri K.S., Karmakar S., Deep S. (2020), Interaction of TGFβ3 ligand with its receptors type II (TβRII) and type I (TβRI): A unique mechanism of protein-protein association, BBA - Proteins and Proteomics 1868, 140485
- Bhatia N.K., Modi P., Sharma S., Deep S. (2020), Quercetin and baicalein act as a potent anti-amyloidogenic and fibril destabilizing agents for SOD1 fibrils, ACS Chem Neurosci ,11, 1129-1138
- Zaidi F., Deep S. (2020), Scutellarin Inhibits the Uninduced and Metal-Induced Aggregation of ɑ-Synuclein and Disaggregates Preformed Fibrils: Implications for Parkinson's disease, Biochem J, 477, 645-670
- Katyal N., Deep S. (2019), SComputational approach to get insights into multiple faces of additives in modulation of protein aggregation pathway", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 21, 24269-24285
- Katyal N., Agarwal M., Sen R., Kumar V., Deep S. (2018), "Paradoxical Effect of Trehalose on the Aggregation of a-Synuclein: Expedites Onset of Aggregation yet Reduces Fibril Load ", ACS Chem NeuroSci, 9, 1477-1491
- Nayeem S.M., Oteri F., Baaden M., Deep S.(2017), " Residues of Alpha Helix H3 Determine Distinctive Features of Transforming Growth Factor β3 ", J. Phys. Chem. B, 121, 5483-5498