The department of Chemistry at IIT Delhi provides an excellent opportunity to carry out graduate research work in multidisciplinary research areas (check Students having M.Sc./M Tech (M. Sc. in Chemistry/Biochemistry/Biotechnology/Life Sciences/Material Science) can apply to this program. There are various fellowship options - (i) institute-funded Ph. D. (see details here), and (ii) CSIR/UGC/INSPIRE fellowships (see details here) students can avail for their graduate studies and research. Further details of the eligibility criteria can be found on the institute's website.
Total Credits:
List of courses: Click here
Research Areas
Theoretical Chemistry. Quantum & classical computer simulation on chemical and biochemical systems. Biophysical chemistry Synthetic and Mechanistic organic chemistry. Carbohydrate Chemistry. Bio-organic chemistry, Organometallics, Coordination & bio-inorganic chemistry. Solid state chemistry. Dielectric materials, Inter metallic compounds. Ion-exchangers. Supramolecular chemistry, Molecular organization, and recognition, Process Developments for Organic Transformations, Polymer chemistry. NMR spectroscopy, Enzyme structure, stability & folding, Peptide synthesis. Bio separations, Design of reusable biocatalyst. Non-aqueous enzymology. Enzyme Immobilization and Bioeonvcrsions, Nanomaterials (optical properties, photovoltaics) Nanocatalysis in ionic liquids, Fluorescence Spectroscopy (Ensemble & Single molecule).
Check the faculty webpage for research groups specialized in the above topics.
Ph. D. admission: Check for announcements related to Ph. D. admission.
Faculty coordinator: Prof. Ritu Gupta
The Four-Semester Master of Science in Chemistry is designed to provide broad-based training in physical, inorganic, and organic chemistry. Courses in biochemistry and analytical chemistry are also included in the core program. Students are offered a choice of electives in various specialized areas like solid state chemistry, organometallic chemistry, statistical mechanics, bioorganic chemistry, and immunochemistry. Students are required to also take two electives from outside the department. The project in the second year initiates the students into research work in various branches of Chemistry.
Program requirements
Total credits:
List of courses: Click here
Curriculum: More details can be found on the institute's curriculum page
Faculty coordinator: Prof. Tanmay Dutta
The MTech. Program in Molecular Engineering: Chemical Synthesis and Analysis is a one-of-a-kind program in the country that provides advanced training in the design, synthesis, separation, and characterization of molecules while preparing students for careers in industry or academia. In addition, students are offered a choice of electives in various specialized areas of chemistry, chemical and polymer engineering, and management. It culminates in a year-long project where the foundation for scientific research is laid.
Total credits:
List of courses: Click here
Curriculum: More details can be found on the institute's curriculum page
Faculty coordinator: Prof. Kuntal Manna
Placement Brochure 2023-2024
For detail click here.